Todays date: Jan 16 2025
Last blog entry: 7/27/2004
Last Article entry: 12/4/2003

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I wonder if this decision causes my site to be left out from Google?

Just had to have a look at this one since and see if I could find a problem. You have a PR6 and I didn't see any coding that indicated nefarious activity, though if it was me I would add more copy to the entry page. Adding a nice keyword rich description to each link would do much to entice deeper indexing, if, it is indeed possible.

I have always believed if it will render in a browser than an engine will index it. Hmmmmm, I may be wrong because I couldn't find a single instance of .pasp in the Google index. I noticed that similar pages also were only getting index (directory default pages) indexed as well. I would suggest adding some directories and using the pages as default pages so the link would be that way it shouldn't stop it since it does seem to index the default pages. The extension does seem to scare it away;(

Lastly as to .pasp you very well could be correct in your thinking the extension is killing indexing. I searched for .aspx and got some, searched for .phtml which is a very old pre PHP programming/markup language. I even found some of those which surprised me because it was pre-google and I believe died out quickly. You might try contacting them and asking about the possible problems. They are generally pretty good about that sort of thing.

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Napolean Hill ~ Think and Grow Rich

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